
Over the last 20 years, Motarbeider AS has established itself as a supplier within entertainment, edutainment and culture. Motarbeider AS mainly supplies entertainment, edutainment and seminars to state and corporate institutions and companies. The company is currently directing and producing several concerts, shows and lectures available to the public at large.

The Company´s main focus/delivery has been the edutainment show: «Ny dag Nye nederlag! Festforedrag for flygel og flippover» (A new day, A new possibility to fail! An out of the ordinary seminar with grand piano and flip over). The Company yearly presents between 80 and 100 shows, aimed both at corporate institutions and a public audience. In 2021 the show received a grant from the Norwegian Council of the Arts.

The Company’s revenue in 2019, pre-covid, was approx. Norwegian Kroners 4 200 000 (equivalent to roughly USD 500,000), excluding any indirect revenue. Revenue for 2020 is approx Norwegian Kroners 2 700 000 mill. The 2021 accounting is not yet completed.